jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Junk food

One of the largest influences on children, teens, and even adults is the eating of junk food, i.e. cookies, candy, chocolate, soft drinks, snack cakes, potato chips, and the list goes on and on. The marketing of these products has created a nutrition nightmare according to Kelly D. Brownell, Ph. D., author of the book Food Fight. Brownell believes that the main downfall began in the public schools where economic issues come in to play. He states that shools work hand-in-hand with food and soft drink companies by allowing advertisements as well as products to be sold to students in school. In return, schools are given sufficient funding to help with their budget. What is not considered here is that schools are becoming a battleground on which the war against obesity is being fought and nutrition is going down the drain.

Do you think the same happens in Peru? If so, how?

9 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Actually, I don't know the situation in Peru.
    In Korea, schools provide free lunch for schoolchildren. There are nutritionists in every school and they prepare a balanced diet. So it seems that the students are free from junk food, but junk food is already into them deeply.
    In most cases, there are many fast food restaurants around the schools. After school, the students usually drop by there, eat something and have a chat with their friends. They don't know how much salt and saturated fat is in the fast food, even how bad it is, because huge fast food companys always advertise just their product's size,price and taste exaggeratedly. They won't consider people's health, the most important thing for them is selling their products. They has enough fund, so they could stuff people's head just things what they want to show them. They could do some promotions and offer a lot of coupons often.
    I think there could be similar problem in the countries with major fast food restaurants.

  3. Hi guys!! I hope you had a good daY,

    Well in Peru, getting the kids have a healthy diet during the classes is a challenge. Many spend almost all day at school and they eat at the kiosk, school tuck shop or the lunch box and usually don´t have the nutrients necessary for their development.

    Others, while going for less time, they have complicated hours for lunch or to have a snack in the afternoon, between school activities and the extracurricular courses (english, swimming, basketball, guitar, etc.).

    For many parents, the school lunch box comes down to a tip for the child buys whatever want he wants in the kiosk: a beverage or a soda, candy bars, crackers or sweets and the inevitable bag of chips.

    For this reason, it’s necessary to restrict the sale of junk food in schools--- public and private---, to promote the fruits and vegetables among schoolchildren, to encourage the practice of sport and, above all, to educate parents to help improve their children's intellectual performance.

    The school should be a place of complete learning, not a place for teaching the theory and practice otherwise in relation to health and nutrition. And some of these institutions aren´t consistent with what they preach.

    The most important thing is to ensure the health and wellbeing of the smallest. In this respect, would be good to encourage more attractive ways to promote a healthy eating. For example, to create a healthy kioks contest throughout the country, without fat or sweets.

    See you son and good weekend! :)

  4. The trouble isn’t in the schools, all start in every house.
    each family gives to childrens the best, in their posibilites.

    Also depend of the children, for example my daugther doesn`t like vegetables, she study in a private school.

    In Peru, the public schools are deficient in many ways, for that reason, is better the private schools.

  5. Seonhaeng said:

    "In Korea, schools provide free lunch for schoolchildren. There are nutritionists in every school and they prepare a balanced diet"

    That is good, i remember when i was child, our teacher gave us:
    Milk, Tuna and mote, it was really delicious and nutritive.

    Ericka I'm acording whit you

    "For many parents, the school lunch box comes down to a tip for the child buys whatever want he wants in the kiosk: a beverage or a soda, candy bars, crackers or sweets and the inevitable bag of chips"

    We have to teach to buy good food, our children don't know is the best for theirs.

  6. My younger daugther has already started high school this year. At school she used to eat her snack made at home. But now she buys her snack at school. Currently,she has been reducing the amount of food that she eat at breackfast and she has been incresing the amount of money buying junk food.
    I agree with this article that said that schools don’t care for nutrition in the food they sell.

    I think we are very close to get a problem like the one in U.S about junk food and obesity in children,if parents give their children more money than what is necessary to buy their snack at school. Fortunatly parents give more importance in spending money in other things like a educational stuff and sports instead
    giving money to their children for junk food.

    To conclude, I think that parents shoud focus in teach their children the good eating habits.

    Gabriela Lagos

  7. First of all, this text is from Michelle Kilimajer, she got a problem with his laptop that's why im posting it.

    I think that in Peru is different because in the schools people who selled snacks use a lot of natural ingridients, here in Peru we have the tradition of eating chiken sandwich, hamburger, etc. and this products are more healthier than the products that are sold in the United States.
    Its true that many children eats chocolates, candies, sodas but here we dont have the culture of eating that kind of products and that is why children in Peru dont have obesity problems.
    In Peru people have more time to be with their children, and they also have a maid that helps preparing the food and thats why children come after school and eat a healthy meel.

    Michelle Kilimajer

  8. Here in Peru there are some few private schools that provide food to their students. Most of the students buy this junk food because is cheaper than buying a sandwich or anything "healthier".

    Also that depends on the parents, there are some that prepare a lunchbox with some fruit, sandwich and juice, but there are others that doesn't have much time to prepare a lunchbox and they only give them money to their sons to buy some snacks or whatever they want at school. That maybe be one of the reasons that a kid will become obese.

    And finally i dont think that we are on the way of becoming a obese country because our typical food is very healthy and these junk food for example kfc or pizza hut there are a little expensive for most of the people if we compare them with others type of dishes.

    Miguel Loredo

  9. absolutely it is happening in peru, there are many places where sell junk food even in the schools ,in peru most people eat a lot of junk food .this is becoming a problem because people aren´t eating enough healthy meals these days , people aren´t really worried about the effects simply they love tha way it taste.
    junk food is more affordable than other foods and is the cheapest food out right now that you can buy. The last reason why people like junk food is because it’s almost available anywhere. It’s very easy to pick up,so everybody can buy it like children, teens and adults.
    junk food it´s tasty and kids wants to eat it, but it´s really dangerous for them so the parents should teach their children about healthy food.
